Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (Born 8 January 1942) is an English theoretical physicist, Cosmologist, author and Director of research at the center of Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.
- Among his significant scientific works have been a collaboration with Roger penrose and gravitational singularities theorems in the frame work of general relativity.
- And the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation , often called as Hawking radiation.
- Hawking was the first to set forth a cosmology explained by a Union of general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
- He is a honorary fellow of the Royal society of arts.
- A lifetime member of the pontifical acadamy of sciences, and a recepient of the Presidental medal of freedom the highest civilian award in the United states.
- Hawking was the Lucasian professor of Mathematics at the University of cambridge between 1979 to 2009.
- He achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general.
- His A Brief history of time stayed on british Sunday times best sellers list for a record - breaking 237 weeks.
- He married twice and has three children.
- In Sep 2013, he expressed support for the legalization of assisted suicide for the terminally ill.
- Early Life & Education :
His parents were frank and Isobel Hawking ,Despite of family constraints , both parents had attended Oxford University where frank had studied Medicine and Isobel Philosophy , Politics and economics.
- The two met shortly after the beginning of Second world war at a medical research Institute where Isobel was working as secretary and frank as a Medical researcher.
- His parents lived in Highgate , but as london was under attack during the Second world war.
- His mother went to Oxford to give birth in greater safety.
- He has two younger sisters , Philippa and Mary and an adopted brother Edward.
- Hawking began his schooling at the Byron house school , he later blamed its "progressive methods" for his failure to learn to read while at the school.
- Although at school he was known as "Einstein", Hawking was not initially successful academically,
- With time he bagan to show considerable aptitude for scientific subjects and inspired by Tahta.
- Decided to study mathematics at University.
- Hawking's father advised him to study medecine, concerned that there are few jobs for mathematics graduates.
- He wanted Hawking to attend University College , Oxford, his own alma mater.
- As it was not possible to read mathematics there at the time, Hawking decided to study physics and chemistry .
- Despite his headmaster's advise to wait till the next year .
- Hawking was awarded a scholarship after taking the examinations in March 1959
- University studies :
- He went up to Oxford university in Oct 1959 at the age of 17 for the first 18 months he was bored and lonely
- He was younger than many other students and found academic works "ridiculously easy" .
- His physics tutor Robert Berman later said "It was only necessary to know that something could be done and he could do it without lookingn to see how other people did it .
- When hawking began his graduate studies, there was much debate in the physics community about the prevailing theories of the creation of the Universe, the Bigbang and the Study state theories.
- Inspired by Roger Penrose's theorem of spacetime singularity in the center of blackholes.
- Hawking applied the same thinking to the entire Universe and during 1965 wrote up his thesis on this topic .
- There was other positive developments, Hawking's received a research fellowship at Gonville and caius college .
- And he and jane were married on July 14, 1965.
- He obtained his Dr.Phil degree in March 1966, and his essay entitled " Singularities and the Geometry of Space-time" shared top honours with one by penrose to win that year's adams.
Later life and career :
The first years of marriage were Hectic : jane lived in London during the week as she had completed her degree and they travelled to the United states several times for conferences and physics related visits.
- The couple had difficulty finding housing that was within Hawking's walking distance to the department of Applied Mathematics and theoretical Physics(DAMTP).
- Jane began a Ph.D Program and a son Robert was born in May 1967.
- The family spent a generally happy stimulating year in Pasadena .
- Hawking worked with his friend on the faculty, Kip thorne.
- And Engaged him in Scientific Wager about Wheather the Dark star Cygnus X-1 was a Black hole.
- The wager was a surprising "insurance policy " against the proposition that black holes did not exist.
- Hawking acknowledged that he had lost the bet in 1990.
- Which was the first of several that he was to make with Thorne and others.
- Hawking has maintained ties to caltech ,, spending a month there almost every year since this first visit.
- 1975-1990:
- Hawking returned to Cambridge in 1975 to a new home a new job - as Reader.Donpage, with whom Hawking had begun a close frienship at Caltech.
- Arrived to work as the live - in graduate student assistant.
- With page's help and that of a secretary , Jane's responsibilities were reduced so she could return to her thesis and her new interest in singing.
- He had difficulty refusing the invitations and visitors which left limited time for work and his students .
- Some Colleages were recentful of the attention Hawking received .
- Feeling it was due to his disability , he received further academic recognition , including five further honorary degrees, the gold medal of the Royal astronomical Society.
- The paul Dirac medal (1987) and jointly with penrose , the prestigious Wolf prize (1988),
- In 1989, he was named a companion of honour by queen Elizabeth.
- Popular Publications :
- A Brief History of Time (1988)
Black holes and Baby Univeses and Other Essays (1993)
The Universe in a Nutshell(2001)
On the Shoulders of Gaint (2002)
A Briefer History of Time (2005)
God created the Integers : The Mathematical Breakthroughs that changed History(2005)
The Grand Design (2010)
My Brief History (2013).
Films and series:
Horizon : The hawking paradox(2005)
Masters of science fiction(2007)
Stephen hawking : Master of the Universe(2008)
Brave new world with stephen hawking(2011)
Stephen Hawking's grand design (2012)
Children's Fiction :
George's secret key to the Universe (2007)
George's Cosmic treasure Hunt (2009)
George and the Big Bang (2011)
Keywords :
Stephen Hawking, Stephen Hawking Images, latest images of stephen hawkings, hawking's images,stephen hawking warns over making contact with aliens,hawking takes a hard line on aliens , plans prelude to the ride of his life, colonies in space may be only hope says hawking, hawking takes zero gravity flight , physicist experiences zero gravity, Center of theoritical cosmology : Outreach stephen hawking , black hole explorer, desktop images of stephen hawkings, zero gravity,stephen hawking's grand design, Brave new world with stephen hawking, Into the Universe with stephen hawking, Master of the Universe,Master's of science fiction too artistic for ABC, The hawking paradox, Stephen hawking's Universe, A brief history of time : synopsis, The black hole war : My battle with stephen hawking to make the world safe for quantum Mechanics.