
Military Transport Aircrafts



  • Boeing C-17 Globe master III is a large military transport aircraft.
  • It was developed by McDonnell Douglas from 1980's to early 1990's for United States Air Force(USAF).
  • C-17 is named after the name of two previous piston-engined military cargo aircraft, the Douglas c-74 Globe master and Douglas c-124 Globe master II.
  • C-17 performs the functions of transporting troops and cargo throughout the world, tactical airlift, medical evacuation and airdrop duties..
  • Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas continues to manufacture C-17's for export customers following the end of deliveries to U.S,Air Force. 
  • The C-17 is operated by U.S.Air Force,Australia,Canada,United Arab Emirates,United Kingdom,Qatar, NATO Heavy Airlift Wing and India.

Background and Design phase:-
  •  In 1970 the U.S.Airforce began looking for replacement for its Lockhead C-130 Hercules which is a tactical cargo aircraft.
  • Advanced Medium STOL Transport(AMST) Competition was held between YC-14 proposed by Boeing and YC-15 proposed by McDonnell Douglas.
  • Both entries exceeded specified requirements the AMST competition was cancelled before the selection of winner.
  • The Air Force started the C-X program in November 1979 for developing larger AMST with longer range to augment its strategic airlift.
  • The USAF needed increased strategic airlift capabilities to fulfill its airlift requirements.
  • USAF set mission requirements and released a request for proposals(RFP) for C-X in October ,1980.
  • Based on YC-15 McDonnell Douglas elected to develop a new air craft.
  • Boeing bid an enlarged three-engine version of its AMST YC-14.
  • Lockheed submitted two designs, a C-5 based design and an enlarged C-141 design.
  • McDonnell Douglas was chosen to built its proposed aircraft and designated C-17 on 28 August 1981.C-17, new aircraft differs from YC-15 having increased size, swept wings and more powerful engines.
  • C-17 performs the work done by C-141 and also fulfill some duties Lockheed C-5 Galaxy.
  • Alternate proposals were made.
  • The YC - 15 was trasferred to AMARC to be made worthy again under further flight test for the C-17 program in march 1997.
  • Boeing proposed to cut the price of C-17 in the airforce brought for 60 more , and in august 2002 and the order was ordered to 180 aircrafts.


Design :

  • The C-17 is performed by four pratt & whiteney F-117-PW-100 turbofan engines, which are based on the commercial used on the Boeing 757.
  • And providing enogh reverse thrust to back the aircraft up on the ground while taxxing.
  • The thrust reverse can also be used in flight at idle - reverse for added drag in maximum rate descents.
  • The aircraft requires a crew of three (pilot, copilot and load master) for cargo operations .
  • Cargo is loaded through a large aft ramp that accommodates rolling stock such as 69-ton M1 Abrams main battle tank.
  • The cargo floor has rollers for pallatized cargo that can be flipped to provide a floor flat suitable for vehicles and other rolling stock.
  • The C-17 is designed to operate from runways as short as 3,500ft as narrow as 90ft . 
  • In addition it can be operated from unpaved , unimproved runways.
  • The thrust reverse can be used to back the aircraft and reverse direction on narrow taxiways using a three or more turn points.

Operational history :

NATO(Strategic Airlift capability program ) :

  • A number of NATO countries signed a letter of intent to purchase C-17's on 19th july 2006,
  • In 2006 farnborugh Airshow to participate in the joint and operation within NATO.
  • The present members are Bulgaria, Estonia , Hungary, Luthiana , the Netherlands, norway , poland, Romania, Slovania, U.S.
  • As well as the partnership for peace countries Finland and Sweden.
  • The heavy airlift was hosted by hungary.
  • Which acts as the flag nation.

Qatar Emiri Airforce :

  • It operates four C-17's .
  • Boeing delivered first C-17 to qatar on 11 august 2009.
  • And the second on 10 september 2009.
  • A June 2013 article by the Newyork times states that qatar is using C-17's to ship the weapons from lybia to syrian via turkey, feeding syrain civil war.

Indian Airforce :

  • The aircraft provides strategic airlift to deploy special forces in the event of national emergencies or terrorism.
  • They are operated by the airforce at the terrain from himlayan air bases in north india at 13,000ft to indian ocean basis in south india .
  • The skylords fly mission within the india to places like port blair, leh , thoise .
  • They have been also sent on foriegn deployments.

Orders and deliveries :

International :

  • During the summer 2008 it was reported that south korea has allocated funds for the purchase of three or four C-17 class for use in support in expeditionary experiments .
  • In january 2010,india has requested 10 C- 17's through the US government Millitary sales programs and was approved by US congress in June 2010.


1991: 1
1992: 4
1993: 5
1994: 8
1995: 6
1996 6
1997: 7
1998: 10
1999: 11
2000: 13
2001: 14
2002: 16
2003: 16
2004: 16
2005: 16 
2006: 16
2007: 16
2008: 16
2009: 16
2010: 14
2011: 12
2012: 10
2013: 4

Performance :

Cruise speed : mach 0.74(450 knots, 515 mph, 830 kmp/h).
Range : 2,420mmi (2785mi,4482km) ;5610nmi(10390km) with paratroophs.
Service ceiling : 45.000ft (13,716m).
max wing load 150lb/ft2(750 kg/m2).
minimum thrust : 0.277.
takeoff run at MTOW : 7,600ft .
landing distance : 3,500ft.


Cargo flights, military flights, aeroplane images, newly launched aircrafts,large aircrafts, Boeing C-17 aircraft, Boeing specifications, Boeing C-17 Full specifications, background and design phase, Mcdonell douglas, Mcdonell douglas full Specifcations, Lockheed C-130 hercules,
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