



  • Lung cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lungs.
  • If it remains without treatment this growth can spread beyond the lung by process called Metastasis into the nearby tissues or the other parts of body.
  • Most cancers that start in lungs are primary lung cancers are Carcinomas that derive from epithelial cells.
  • The main types of lung cancer are small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) also called oat cell cancer and Non small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC).
  • The common symptoms are coughing of blood, weight loss and shortness of breath.
  • It also causes by long term exposure to tobacco smoke , which causes 80-90 % of lung cancers.
  • Non smokers effect for 10-15 % lung cancer cases, and also causes by genetic factors, radon gas, asbestos and air pollution including Second hand smoke.
  • Lung cancer is identified by Computed tomography (CT scan) and chest radiograph.
  • Common treatments are Surgery, Chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • SCLC responds to Chemotherapy and radiotherapy while NSCLC responds to Surgery.
  • Overall 15 % of people in the United States are recognised by lung cancer and surviving five years after diagnosis.
  • Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer related death in Men and Women and responsible for 1.38 million deaths as 2008 survey.

Signs and symptoms:-

  • Respiratory symptoms : coughing, coughing up blood, shortness of breath.
  • Systemic symptoms : weight loss, fever and clubbing of finger nails.
  • Symptom due to local compress: Chest pain, Bone pain, difficulty swallowing.
  • If the cancer cause in airway, it may obstruct airflow, causing breathing difficulties.


  • Cancer develops following genetic damage to DNA.
  • This genetic damage affects the normal functions of the cell, including cell proliferation, programmed cell death(apoptosis) and DNA repair.
  • As more damage accumulates, the risk of cancer increases.


  • Smoking particularly of cigarettes is main factor of lung cancer.
  • Nicotine appears to depress the immune response to cancerous growths in exposed tissues.
  • In the year 2000, 90 % of lung cancer deaths in men and 70 %  in women is by smoking.
  • Non smokers means inhalation of smoke from another's smoke.
  • Investigation of Side stream smoke suggest it is more dangerous than direct smoke.

Radon gas:

  • Radon gas is a colourless and odourless gas  generated by breakdown of radio active radium which in turn is the decay product of uranium, found in the earth's crust.
  • The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that one in 15 homes in the US has radon levels above the recommended guideline of 4 picocuries per litre.


  • Asbestos can cause a variety of lung diseases including lung cancers.
  • Tobacco smoking and asbestos have a synergistic effect on the formation of lung cancer.
  • It can also cause cancer of pleura called mesothelioma.

Air pollution:

  • Increased risk of lung cancer from indoor air pollution related to the burning of wood, charcoal, dung or crop residue for cooking and heating.
  • Women exposed to indoor coal smoke have about twice the risk and burning of biomass products known as suspected carcinogens.

  • Prevention is the most cost-effective means of decreasing lung cancer development.
  • In most countries industrial and domestic carcinogens have been identified and banned, but tobacco smoking is still widespread.
  • Eliminating tobacco smoking is a primary goal in the prevention of lung cancer.
  • Policy interventions to decrease passive smoking in public areas such as restaurants and work places have become more common in many Western countries.
  • The World Health Organisation has called for governments to institute a total ban on tobacco advertising to prevent young people to taking up smoking.
  • The long term use of supplemental vitamin A , vitamin C , vitamin D ,vitamin E does not reduce the risk of lung cancer.
  • Some studies suggest people who eat diets with a higher proportion of vegetables and fruit tend have a lower risk.
  • More rigorous studies have not demonstrated a clear association.


Factors of smoking, Lung cancer, -Lung diseases, prevention methods of lung cancer, Lung cancer images, stages of lung cancer, indian ban on smoking, prevention methods of human cancers, types of cancers, Health and Hygiene, Cure for Cancers, Impacts of smoking, Related lung diseases.Lung cancer symptoms, Lung cancer awareness, Lung cancer Histology, 
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